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Hello I am Johanna! I live in beautiful Shrewsbury with my husband, 2 children and a dog called Tinkerbell.


I create wearable everyday clothing and accessories using scrap fabrics and carefully sourced materials to complement existing textiles. I have been making things since I was a little girl and have a background in Fashion Knitwear Design and have taught Fashion and Textiles for many years. I recently graduated with a Masters in Fashion Design and the collection I created as part of that process has inspired the designs I am making now.


I view old pieces of fabric not as waste, but as a starting point for developing my designs. I am hugely inspired by colour, pattern and print and the use of patchwork features heavily in the clothing and accessories I make. The aim of the collection is to create timeless, seasonless garments that continue the conversation around valuing the clothes we own and how we wear them, with the intention of not adding more clothes to an already overburdened system but to create a unique way of adding elements to what we already wear. I want these pieces to be playful and fun and I hope you enjoy the collection as much as I do.


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